
Scheer on Simpson


* I hope as many people who avidly follow the intricacies of the O.J. Simpson circus read Robert Scheer’s Dec. 3 Column Left (“Has Simpson the Man Ever Existed?”) and realize they too are part of the culture that insists on making this so much a part of daily life. It may be that very few decent books will ever be published again; conversations will inevitably end up on did he or didn’t he. And that the horror of two viciously slaughtered human beings will recede even further as people discuss O.J., O.J., O.J.

Enough! It is time to think of more important matters such as making our young people a society about which they can be proud. “Justice” is a word used by the Founding Fathers. Do we now have to remove it from the dictionary? Because surely there is no justice in giving so much attention to a man who has not given us anything in which we can take pride. Sorry, I don’t count touchdowns as being in the league with humanity, compassion, humility and concern for others.


Laguna Hills

* Re “Several Witnesses Contradict Simpson on Domestic Abuse,” Dec. 4: At least three witnesses can vividly recall exactly what happened over 10 years ago (1983 and 1986)? Most of us mortals cannot even recall what we had for breakfast or what outfit we wore two days ago. What is wrong with this picture? When will these witnesses’ books come out? Enough already. ALICE GOODWIN


