
To the Editor:

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A review of Clara Bingham’s “Women on the Hill” (Book Review, Jan. 12) mischaracterized Sen. Barbara Boxer’s reaction to Sen. Patty Murray’s encounter with Sen. Strom Thurmond in an elevator. The review, based on a pre-publication copy of the book, states that when Murray told Boxer about the inappropriate conduct, Boxer “laughs it off.” Bingham’s account in the published version of the book states that Boxer took the conduct seriously and urged Murray “to go public with this. Who knows how many more people he’ll do this to?” Murray decided she would handle the episode herself and Boxer respected her colleague’s request.

David Sandretti, Communications Office, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), Washington, D.C.


Karen Tumulty replies:

The review, based on a pre-publication copy of the book provided to The Times by its publisher, states that when Murray told Boxer about the inappropriate conduct, Boxer “laughs it off.” In the published version of the book, which was not made available to The Times in time for its review, Bingham’s account was edited as Sandretti quotes it.
