
West Hollywood Launches Program to Streamline Criminal Prosecutions


Starting today, if you break a law in West Hollywood, you might not have to go to court.

The city is launching a program that replaces criminal prosecution of city law violations with an administrative fine. In the past, people who violated the Municipal Code had to appear in Beverly Hills Municipal Court. Now they can pay the fine or contest it at an administrative hearing at City Hall.

The program will include violations of city ordinances regarding business licenses, taxi operation, noise and outdoor dining in the public right of way.

City officials said the new procedures will make it more efficient to deal with the infractions and help encourage compliance with city laws. West Hollywood is one of the first cities to implement the program, which was made possible by a change in state law last year.


“It removes the small-price stuff from the criminal courts system,” said Greg Freeman, administrative remedies coordinator for the city.
