
Council OKs Changes to Spending Plan


The San Fernando City Council has approved several changes to the general fund portion of the city’s 1997-98 budget.

The general fund represents $12.3 million of the city’s $32.4-million spending plan.

The council Monday night voted 4 to 1 to approve $18,000 for a proposed weekend farmer’s market, $4,800 for a Mexican heritage celebration Sept. 16 and $30,000 for air-conditioning and lighting for facilities at Las Palmas Park.

Voting to approve the budget were Mayor Raul Godinez II and council members Doude Wysbeek, Silverio Robledo and Jose Hernandez.


Councilwoman Joanne Baltierrez, who voted against the plan, could not be reached for comment Tuesday.

In other action Monday, the council approved a plan to merge the finance and personnel departments, resulting in the elimination of two management positions.

Council members also agreed to consider additional requests for funding at future meetings. Pending requests include allocations for Police Department equipment.

As expected, the council also approved spending $780,000 from a bond measure approved by county voters in 1996 to pay for a building addition at Las Palmas Park.

The 11,400-square-foot addition will allow the recreation center to expand its programs for youths by adding counseling, tutorial and recreational programs. Construction is expected to begin in early 1998, said Ed Montan, city recreation and community services director.

The addition, expected to take nine months to build, will be the third and final phase of an improvement project that began at the park in 1993.
