
Lopez Again to Serve as Mayor Pro Tem


Lou Lopez will serve a third year as mayor pro tem, despite a move by Councilman Tom Tait to nominate Councilman Bob Zemel for the honorary title.

Councilwoman Shirley McCracken nominated Lopez for the role, and she was supported by Lopez and Mayor Tom Daly. Tait and Zemel, who are often in the minority on council votes, abstained.

Zemel, elected to the council in 1994, has not yet served as mayor pro tem. Tait said his colleague should be selected based on his seniority. Last December, Tait had also nominated Zemel for the post but failed.


The council last year also rescinded a policy that rotated the post of mayor pro tem based on seniority. Now the selection of who serves in the role is by popular vote of the council.
