
Theft of Toys Spurs Citizen Santas to Act


One day after a children’s charity was victimized by a criminal-minded Grinch, the downcast organizers were moved to tears Tuesday by the heartfelt gestures of real-life Santas.

Dozens of Orange County residents and store managers reached out Tuesday to a charity group that discovered that its warehouse full of donated toys were stolen on the eve of its annual holiday party for foster children. Pledges by 80 well-wishers promised triple the number of replacement toys--and renewed the faith of the group’s leader.

Monday, “when I found out the toys were gone, I was devastated,” said Lacey Slosar, who labored a year with other volunteers to collect the toys. “And now, I’m overwhelmed again. This time, by how wonderful people are.”


Slosar, president of Southern Orange County Foster Parent Assn., went to the group’s Irvine warehouse Monday morning to find a different lock on the door protecting about $5,000 worth of toys. She feared the worst as workers cut it off.

“It was dark in there and when they opened it up, I saw all the boxes still on the floor and I thought everything was still there,” recalled Slosar, a foster parent herself. “But then they shined a light and I saw that almost all of it was gone. . . . It was terrible.”

There are no suspects, but Irvine Police Lt. Tom Hume said investigators will be scouring swap shops for any sign of the pilfered playthings, which include Barbies, toy firetrucks, compact disc players, action figures and in-line skates.

The association collects new toys from corporate manufacturers and store chains to give to foster parents who have taken troubled youngsters into their homes.

This Saturday is the annual Christmas party, where the foster parents “shop” for holiday gifts.

The stolen toys had been intended for about 100 children in care of 40 foster parents. If well-wishers live up to their pledges, Slosar said the surplus will go to other needy children.


“I’m just so relieved today,” she said. “It’s nice to know people care so much.”

The association set up four drop-off locations for toy donors, with sites in Irvine, Orange, Newport Beach and Laguna Niguel. Information: (714) 559-8362.
