
City Municipal Code Posted on Web Site


Thousand Oaks residents and business owners with Internet access can now avoid most fact-finding trips to City Hall--and can get the information they need around the clock.

Thousand Oaks’ entire municipal code, which was previously available on the city’s now-defunct online bulletin board, is now accessible through the Internet on Thousand Oaks’ official World Wide Web site:

“You can now search, read and research our municipal code from your home or office,” City Clerk Nancy Dillon said in a statement. “The city receives frequent inquiries regarding items covered under our municipal code. By putting this document on the Internet, we hope to assist those who have an Internet connection to find answers to their questions quickly and easily.”


In addition to the municipal code, Thousand Oaks’ official Web site includes City Council and Planning Commission agendas and reports, as well as general information on city departments.

Because the municipal code is constantly being amended, Dillon advises Internet users to call the city clerk’s office at 449-2151 to confirm that the information they are seeing on their computers is still accurate.
