
COUNTYWIDE : Supervisors Cut Wording, Then OK Project’s Sign


Call it the Great Sign Debate.

After a half-hour discussion Tuesday, county supervisors approved a 150-square-foot sign for a controversial manufactured-housing project near Lake Forest. But that was after they ordered that the project builder, Aradi Inc., remove wording that said 705 homes would be built there.

The Saddleback Meadows housing project has been bouncing around county offices for more than 20 years. Supervisors said they’d go along with a sign merely announcing the property’s zoning and the developer’s phone number.

Attorney Ed Conner, representing a nearby monastery opposing construction, said even that would anger residents fighting the project. He suggested that the sign was being used as “leverage” because of an upcoming March court hearing on Aradi’s lawsuit against the county for denying an earlier proposal for the site.


Aradi spokesman Frank Elfin said the builder merely wants to let those driving past know about the project and what number to call.
