
Trustees to Restore Some School Bus Cuts


Trustees in the Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District revised its controversial transportation policy this week and agreed to restore some scheduled reductions in bus service.

In August, the board said it would eliminate 31 middle and high school bus stops in January and 17 elementary stops in September 1998, affecting about 600 students.

Trustees said the cuts were needed to reduce transportation costs in the growing district and put off the need to acquire at least two new buses. But parents complained that some students would be forced to walk up to 4 miles on busy roads.


Under the latest change, about 80 middle school students will again be eligible to ride the bus. Additional elementary school students could be eligible for busing under the change.

In response to concerns from parents, officials said they also will consider allowing students still ineligible for transportation to take the bus should seats become available.
