
Robert Fisler Chosen to Head School Board


For the sixth time in his 20-year tenure as a public official, Robert C. Fisler has been chosen president of the Fullerton School District Board of Trustees.

Fisler, 87, is familiar with the duties required of the president.

He told dozens of people at Tuesday’s meeting that he will enforce a three-minute rule for speakers in an effort to keep proceedings moving more efficiently. He joked that he isn’t inclined to pound his gavel, however, because he once accidentally hit his watch and broke it.

Fisler was elected to the school board in March 1977, a year before he retired. He is a former physicist, engineer, junior high school teacher and university professor.


Board members also chose two other colleagues for positions: Trustee Marjorie B. Pogue is the new vice president and Trustee Hilda Sugarman is the new clerk.
