
Old Town Project Gets Council OK


The City Council has approved construction of a car wash, gas station, convenience store and retail building at 535 Main St., after a nearly four-month battle between developers and opponents who felt the project was inappropriate for the Old Town Tustin area.

Some city planning commissioners and council members had said early versions of the project were too dense for the 1.6-acre site, but both sides eventually agreed to numerous compromises.

“We made the owner jump through hoops and satisfy 130 conditions, so I’m really happy with the way it came out,” Councilwoman Tracy Wills Worley said. “I think the project evolved into a workable project from where it started.”


With the unanimous council approval, Greg Bennett Architects will build the car wash, gas station, a 5,500-square-foot retail building at Main Street and Centennial Way, and a 3,100-foot courtyard with benches, fountains and other features. Construction is set to begin this spring.
