
City to Iron Out Agreement to Fix Railroad Crossings

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City leaders say they expect a final agreement next month with Union Pacific on a plan to repair badly deteriorating railroad crossings throughout the city.

“Shortly after the first of the year, we expect to conclude a formal agreement with the [Union Pacific] railroad to improve all of the crossings in the city,” City Manager Terry Matz said.

Under the proposed agreement, the city would spend up to $114,000 to buy sections of concrete for the repairs, with labor costs paid by Union Pacific and Caltrans.


“By the end of January, there should be some action on Beach Boulevard,” Councilman Harry M. Dotson said. “I’ve been very concerned about somebody dropping a transmission or breaking a U-joint, and pole vaulting all the way up to Cerritos.”

Matz said rails may be removed from two crossings where the lines are not used.
