
Santa, Take a Message


Dial S for Santa.

With MCI’s new Santa’s Switchboard prepaid calling cards--and the wonders of technology--youngsters can make an end run around all those elfin helpers and direct-dial St. Nick.

“It’s like Santa’s voicemail box,” explained an MCI spokeswoman. Mom or Dad buys the bright red Norman Rockwell-ish card (retail price $5-$6), the child dials the toll-free “North Pole” number.

An elf representative answers and turns the caller over to Santa, who, after having ascertained the PIN number of the calling card, instructs the child to record at the sound of the jingle bells. (Maximum wish-list time: 90 seconds.)


The card is then passed on to Grandma or Grandpa or another likely gift-giver, who, by dialing an 800 number, can hear that cute little voice telling them just what the child is hoping for on Christmas morning. (As a bonus, Grandma gets 10 minutes of long-distance time.)

Santa’s Switchboard cards are available in the L.A. area at 7-Eleven, Mobil convenience stores and Wal-Mart.
