
Boat Pulled to Shore Amid 10-Foot Swells


A 56-foot boat carrying four people had to be pulled back into Ventura Harbor after being caught in heavy swells Monday morning, harbor officials said.

The officials said the Kern County boaters were “just out for a cruise” when an exhaust system failure on their boat caused the engine to quit. They issued a mayday call at 11:25 a.m.

“They were pretty shaken,” Deputy Harbor Master Bob Wallen said. “They realized they were in imminent danger, and they were glad to get the help.”


Rescue workers passed a tow line to the boat but had difficulty pulling it in because of the 10-foot waves. It took nearly an hour to return the boat to safety, Wallen said. No one was injured and there was no damage to the boat, he said.

Although swells in the area typically range from 3 to 4 feet during calm weather, wind storms in recent days have increased the size of the swells, Wallen said.
