
Is Dodger Inactivity Part of a Conspiracy?


Bill Plaschke’s analysis of the Dodger inaction this off-season [Dec. 23] was right on. However, he did not go far enough. It has been apparent for years that Peter O’Malley’s strategy has been to spend just enough money to keep the Dodgers competitive in their division, assuring a close race and filling the stands through September. He has never improved the team to where it would be capable of competing against Atlanta in a playoff series. His bottom line has always been to make a lot of money and to placate the fans along the way with a nothing but a better-than-average team that keeps the the fans coming by creating a false sense of a pennant race.


Los Angeles


Columnist Bill Plaschke epitomizes the wiser-than-thou attitude that infuriates professional athletes, and makes many sports columns so mean-spirited.

If he thinks Rod Beck is the answer to the Dodgers’ dream of another pennant, he didn’t see enough Giants’ games.


The Dodgers have “unlimited potential” because they have put together a team of talented, home-grown players. It’s not time to give up on them.


South Lake Tahoe
