
Aviation Dispute


In his recent letter, Richard Taylor of Newport Beach states that Supervisors Tom Wilson and Todd Spitzer intentionally undertake actions to subvert the county’s plan and contravene the will of the citizens. I beg to differ.

In the board’s December vote to certify the EIR and approve the community reuse plan, the board specifically called for a parallel non-aviation process to be conducted. The non-aviation plan would be produced so that in the event an aviation reuse of El Toro was, for any reason, unable to come to fruition, the county would waste no time, and hence money.

The question of whether John Wayne Airport would close is left more to economics, not county land planners. Any investment that carries a $200-million-plus debt and is at risk of being lost altogether is worthy of scrutiny.


Finally, the will of the majority of South County constituents is clear: There shall be no airport at El Toro. It is only fair to all county constituents, however, that a deliberate and well-thought-out approach to long-term planning be accomplished.

Supervisor Wilson is to be commended for his active participation in this regard.


