
Laughing With--or at--Gay People?


A good example of the theme of coming out in a comedy is the TV show “Ellen.” A bad example is the current movie, “In & Out” (“It’s Out & Out Unfair,” Counterpunch, Sept. 29).

In an interview for the Advocate, “In & Out” screenwriter Paul Rudnick said he hoped that “Audience sophistication has gotten to the point where you can use coming out as a screwball comedy device.” That’s a nice thought, but aside from small areas such as West Hollywood, Greenwich Village and other gay ghettos, a more realistic result is that audiences will once again laugh at gay people--not with them.

I would not be surprised if this movie becomes a financial hit, like another predecessor filled with gay cliches, “The Birdcage.” After all, that seems the only goal with movie producers and directors, including openly gay ones, even if it means making a buck at the expense of perpetuating myths and cliches about our community.



Los Angeles
