
Medical Kits for the Road


Any traveler who has bummed a bandage from a hotel desk clerk, nursed a toothache at 40,000 feet or snagged an aspirin from a tour guide knows it’s smart to pack medical and dental kits.

Nowadays, finding such kits, along with other products tailored to the needs and destinations of the traveler, is easier. Here’s a sampling of what’s available:

For dental emergencies:

* The Dental First Aid Kit, $12.85, has supplies, tools and instructions to take care of toothaches, broken crowns or bridges, fillings that have fallen out and irritating braces. Among the components are temporary filling material, temporary cement, denture repair liquid and powder, toothache drops, tweezers and gauze. From Magellan’s, telephone (800) 962-4943.


For general medical needs:

* The Traveler’s Health Kit, about $30, includes bandages, gauze, moleskin, a razor blade, antibiotic ointment, tweezers and latex gloves. At Going in Style, Century City Shopping Center, tel. (310) 277-0209.

* The Platypus is a collapsing water bottle that makes it easy to find water when it’s time to take medication. Original Platy, one liter, is $9.85 for two; Sport Platypus, holding two-thirds of a liter, is $8.85 for two. Platy-on-a-Leash, a one-liter bottle attached by a collar to a shoulder strap, is $9.85. From Magellan’s.

For campers and outdoor fans:

* The Mini Bak Pak, under $6, comes in a 4-inch by 3-inch nylon zipper bag and includes pain relievers, anti-blister cream, a sting relief pad, bandages, antiseptic towelettes. At Wal-Mart, Fedco, Vons, Sports Chalet, Target, Home Depot or call Total Resources International; tel. (909) 594-1220.

* The Sawyer Family First Aid Kit for campers and other outdoor travelers, about $25, contains large and small bandages, pain relievers, gauze, tweezers, thermometer, antibiotic ointment and other supplies. For store information, call Sawyer Products; tel. (800) 940-4464.

For hikers and long-distance travelers:

* The Essential Traveler, $199.99, comes in a bag that unfolds and has three pouches. Two are detachable for carrying separately. Included are bandages, a blood-clotting agent, elastic wrap, gloves, eye wash, blanket, moleskin, tape, thermometer, scissors, tweezers, wipes, epinephrine, rash and allergy balm, and a splint that can be used on arms or legs. From the Travel Medicine Center, Beverly Hills, tel. (310) 360-1331.

* The Explorer, $299.99, is a more sophisticated version of the Essential Traveler but includes more supplies and remedies and is designed to take care of a larger group. From the Travel Medicine Center, which also sells accessories separately and customizes kits.


* The International Travel Medical Kit (large version, $49.50) includes bandages, pads, dressing, moleskin, pain relievers, antihistamines, Pepto-Bismol tablets, cold tablets, anti-diarrheal tablets, sting relief pads, fungal cream, tweezers, thermometer, razor blade, disposable gloves and a first-aid book. From Magellan’s.

* The Travel Medicine Kit, about $50, is customized by Drs. John A. Horton and Edward S. Hanzelik at their World Travelers Health Center in Westlake Village (tel. [805] 446-4444). They prescribe medicines as needed, possibly including medicines for diarrhea, colds, allergic reactions, inflammation and motion sickness, Horton said. Also included may be supplies such as swabs, bandages and scissors.

* The Trekker’s Health Kit, about $50, includes folding scissors, an Ace bandage, rehydration salts, latex gloves and other supplies. At Going in Style, Century City Shopping Center.

For travelers to developing countries:

* The Steri-Kit, $29.95, has four syringes, six needles for infusion purposes or dental work. From Travel Medicine Inc., tel. (800) TRAV-MED.

* The Traveler’s Survival Kit, $39.95, includes sterile needles, iodine for water purification and first-aid supplies. From Travel Medicine Inc.

For automobile travelers:

* The Deluxe Auto Road Kit, under $50, includes more than 55 pieces of first-aid supplies and auto emergency supplies, such as booster cables, tire repair equipment, safety flares, drinking water, thermal blanket, light stick, bandages, finger splints and a guide. At Fedco Stores or call Total Resources International.


The Healthy Traveler appears the second and fourth week of every month.
