
State Population Forecast for 2025


I read with alarm your Aug. 25 article (“Population Surge of 18 Million Seen for State by 2025”). Eighteen million! Just in California! I should say that the environmental impact mentioned in the article was grossly understated. A little water shortage? A little school overcrowding?

Why doesn’t The Times do a series about a real issue, like world overpopulation and how it is going to impact us here in America? The writing’s on the wall: The people of the Third World will continue to immigrate here until the quality of life in the United States has sunk to that of their own countries.


Temple City

* Eighteen million more Californians by 2025? I hope not! Now is the time to offer more family planning, more public education about the size of families versus the degradation of the environment and living standards.


Where would all these people live? On land currently used for farming? Where would we grow the food that California supplies to the nation and the world? It’s time to give the headlines to teaching people the advantages of replacement families (one child per parent, maximum).

Let us try now to stem the population tide--Mother Nature’s solutions are often cruel and drastic. We live in a finite world which many of us believe cannot support an infinite population. The problem will be even bigger and more difficult to solve in 2025.


Culver City
