
Library Gets $5,950 for History Collection


The Newport Beach library will get to expand its American history collection after the City Council voted to spend $5,950 on the project.

The council had voted in favor of expanding the library’s 8,100-piece collection at its June 28 meeting. But the decision was appealed by the city’s Cultural Arts Committee.

Some members of the cultural arts committee said they believed the city lacked enough information about the library’s current collection when it made the decision. Furthermore, the committee had earmarked the funds to help it complete a master plan for arts projects in the city.


Councilman John W. Hedges, who proposed spending the money on history books, said that he was pleased with the council’s action but that he wants even more money for the history collection.

He said at a recent City Council meeting that he might propose a tax on new development to pay for such projects.
