
School District May Hire Theater Manager


Following a recent $1-million renovation to Laguna Beach High School’s Artists’ Theatre, trustees today will consider hiring a manager for the playhouse.

“We now have this wonderful facility, but there’s nobody in charge taking care of it,” said Cindy Prewitt, a community volunteer who along with the school’s assistant principal and drama teacher have helped run the theater.

A part-time technician had helped manage the theater and operate its equipment, but that position was eliminated during the district’s fiscal crisis last year. With the financial pinch beginning to ease, the district superintendent is now recommending that a position be created.


The playhouse is used by the school, city and community. A memo from the superintendent to school district trustees says that income generated by leasing the theater on Sunday mornings is expected to fund the position.

The trustees will meet at 7 p.m. in the district headquarters board room, 550 Blumont St.

Information: (714) 497-7700, Ext. 202.
