
Free Clinic Seeks Volunteers for Office


The Conejo Free Clinic is looking for volunteers to help staff its Thousand Oaks office, which provides medical services and legal counseling to low-income individuals.

Volunteers are needed in four areas: daytime receptionists, who would work three hours per week; evening receptionists, three hours per month; evening office assistants, three hours monthly; and evening patient advocates, who record medical histories for doctors, three hours each month.

Janet Meyer, the clinic’s volunteer coordinator, said she would ultimately like to staff the office during all normal business hours. Currently, it is open from 9 a.m. to noon Monday, Wednesday and Friday to answer phones and process paperwork.


“The whole clinic operates only on volunteer assistance,” she said. “Without them, the clinic could not function. And these services are available to people who cannot afford them through private physicians and attorneys.”

The clinic and office are located in Suite 211 at 80 E. Hillcrest Drive.

Free legal counsel is available on a first-come, first-served basis beginning at 7 p.m. on Tuesdays.

Free medical services are available Monday through Thursday evenings, with fluctuating hours depending on the availability of doctors. Patients should call 497-3575 for an appointment.

Each year, the free clinic provides services to hundreds of Ventura County residents, most of whom live in the Conejo Valley.
