
300 Deputies Absent as Sickout Continues


About 300 deputies called in sick Tuesday at jails and courts throughout Los Angeles County, in the fifth day of an apparent sickout, authorities said.

To compensate for the missing deputies, other jail and court services personnel were reassigned to handle their duties, Sgt. Noel Lanier said.

The sickout was initiated last week after county negotiators reportedly offered a 1.5% wage increase. The union, which represents about 7,000 deputies, is seeking a 15% hike over 41 months.


Pete Brodie, president of the Assn. of Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs, said the union does not sanction the sickouts. But Brodie said Monday he sympathizes with the deputies, and warned that the Sheriff’s Department is losing employees because “the pay is so low.”

David Janssen, the county’s chief administrative officer, said there has been no progress in the contract talks with the sheriff’s union.

Union members have not had a cost-of-living increase in more than three years, and have been working without a contract since February.
