
County Urges Prenatal Care


The Los Angeles County Department of Health Services announced an outreach and education program Monday aimed at encouraging women to seek prenatal care in an effort to decrease the area’s infant mortality rate.

Known as “SuperBabies,” the campaign will include ads on buses and billboards as well as radio commercials that urge women to seek medical care during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester.

“There are still a significant number of women who are at risk and don’t get any care at all,” said John Schunoff, department of health director.


“Many of the women who don’t get prenatal care are in the high risk groups, those that do drugs, drink and smoke.”

In Los Angeles, less than 80% of all pregnant women receive prenatal care in the first trimester.

The goal is to have at least 90% receive care by 2000.

The infant mortality rate in Los Angeles County is 6.7 deaths per 1,000 births.

For information on prenatal care, call (800) 422-2968.
