
Mayor Has Seizure, Misses Council Event


Ventura Mayor Jack Tingstrom missed the City Council meeting Monday night after suffering what doctors believe was a second diabetic seizure.

Tingstrom said he was exercising Monday morning when the seizure occurred.

“I was out for my walk when it happened. I got over to the curb. I sat down. That’s when they called the Fire Department and the paramedics,” Tingstrom said Tuesday. “They gave me some shots, set up today’s appointments. I got an MRI this morning.”

Tingstrom suffered a similar seizure several weeks ago.

He said doctors believe his sugar balance is not staying consistent, and he may need to change his medication.


Speaking from his home Tuesday, the mayor said he will be taking it easy for a while. He underwent a round of tests Tuesday afternoon.

Although he missed the council meeting, Tingstrom said he was relieved that the council’s agenda was light.

“If you’re going to do it,” he said, referring to his absence, “now’s the time to do it.”
