
Library Tea Party to Fete Diversity


Heeding the adage that the way to someone’s heart is through the stomach, the Las Virgenes Public Library will have a Cultural Diversity Tea today in an effort to bring the community together.

Drawing on the culinary talents of a diverse library staff as well as donations of pastries and food from local bakeries and restaurants, the library will host an informal tea from 4 to 6 p.m. for area residents.

“We want them to get to know each other, meet each other and get acquainted with different cultures,” said children’s librarian Azar Hazrati. “And food is the best way to get to know other cultures.”


The event will also feature the music of Gael Force Winds, a Celtic music trio, sponsored by the L.A. County Arts Commission and a musicians union trust fund.

Interpretations of folk stories will be displayed throughout the library.

Hazrati said the event is planned to unite the area and celebrate the arts and diversity.

“We’re killing three birds with one stone,” she said.

This is the first of what organizers hope will be annual diversity tea parties to pay tribute to the Las Virgenes community, which Hazrati said is home to people from Israel, Iran, India, Germany, Ireland, among other countries.

“We have a good, diverse community,” Hazrati said.

“We’re lucky. We figured it was time to get together and learn more about each other.”

Public parking for the event will be available off-site as well as at the library, 29130 W. Roadside Drive.
