
Hungry Fans Might Consider Second Mortgage

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Scott Ostler, in the San Francisco Chronicle after attending an Oakland Athletics’ game:

“Do you know what ballpark food costs? The prices are what you would expect at a 7-Eleven in the middle of the Gobi Desert.

“On concession-stand menu boards, there is no dollar amount next to each item, only a little cartoon of an arm and a leg.

“If you call out to a ballpark hot dog vendor, ‘How much?’ he will yell back, ‘If you have to ask, you can’t afford it!’ ”



Trivia time: The Lakers hold the NBA record for the longest winning streak, 33 games in 1971-72. Which team has the league’s second-longest streak?


Picking on Marge: Craig Kilborn on Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show”: “Doctors are tentative about Cincinnati Red owner Marge Schott’s hip operation, saying she’ll have 80% recovery in six weeks.

“But it may be as much as three months before she can get her foot in her mouth.”


Hunch bet of the day: Jockey Chris Emigh missed several races Monday at Sportsman’s Park in Cicero, Ill., because his wife was having their second child, but he made it back to the track in time to close out the program.


He finished out of the money on Cushion in the eighth race. But he won the ninth and final race of the day.

His mount’s name? Family Plan.


Name nemesis: On the first ball hit to him this season, Florida Marlin rookie Josh Booty made an error. On the second ball hit to him, Booty made another.

“Booty was clearly nervous,” said Dan LeBetard of the Miami Herald. “It allows my editors the only excuse they need to use big, bold letters in one of the following headlines: ‘Booty Shaken’ and ‘Cubs Shake Booty.’ ”



More Miami: Greg Cote in the Miami Herald: “Random evidence of a cluttered mind. . . . I’ve tried to defend Wayne Huizenga over the hysterics surrounding the breakup of the Marlins [it ain’t easy!], and then Mr. Ownerman goes and OKs the Dolphins charging $20 this year--not for a ticket, just to park.

“For shame, Wayne. You wonder why fans boo you. TWENTY BUCKS TO PARK! There’s your answer, pal.”


What he does best: Steve Rosenbloom on injured Luc Longley in the Chicago Tribune: “He probably could play before the end of the regular season, but the Bulls want to make sure he’s healthy enough to commit two quick fouls before the playoffs begin.”


Looking back: On this day in 1974, Henry Aaron of the Atlanta Braves hit his 715th home run, breaking Babe Ruth’s record, in a 7-4 victory over the Dodgers. The historic homer was hit off Al Downing.


Looking back again: On this day in 1993, Brian Shaw of the Miami Heat made six three-point baskets in one quarter, one short of the NBA record, now held by three players.


Trivia answer: The Milwaukee Bucks, 20 games, in the 1970-71 season.


And finally: Phil Rogers writes in the Chicago Tribune that older Arizona Diamondback players are trying to get promising rookie Travis Lee to grow up.


“Among other things, they would like it if he said ‘dude’ less often than the average skateboarder.”

Said infielder Andy Fox: “He uses that more like a punctuation mark, like a period. That’s when you know when he’s through with a sentence.”
