
Oxnard and School District Names


I am a native of Oxnard and I wish to express my opposition regarding the proposed name change of the Oxnard Union High School District to Pacific View, and Oxnard Shores to Mandalay Shores.

The name “Oxnard” is here to stay, and there is nothing wrong with the way it sounds. It is no more displeasing than the name “Oxford” in England, which is known for its prestigious university also named for the city. Oxnard took its name from a prominent family that built a sugar beet factory on Wooley Road in 1898.

It should be no surprise if these outsiders make another attempt to change not only the names of the Oxnard Union High School District and Oxnard Shores but the city’s name as well. The names Pacific View and Mandalay Bay have no history or reputation. If people dislike the name “Oxnard,” they are welcome to leave if they are concerned about their self-image.


It is also insulting that some people will associate Oxnard’s name with gangs. Every city has its share of gangs. It is unfounded that pretty names increase property values, and it is a poor excuse for some people not to get involved in their communities.


