
2 Arrested in Storage of Dynamite and Meth Chemicals in Locker

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Police have arrested the former tenant of a storage locker where officers last week found two sticks of dynamite, booby traps and enough chemicals to make $700,000 worth of methamphetamine, authorities said.

Russell Renison, 30, and his former girlfriend, Kari Knapp, 26, were arrested Wednesday in Huntington Beach while helping a friend move after an anonymous caller tipped police, Police Lt. Ron Smith said.

Renison had been renting a garage-sized locker at Bristol Street Storage until the owners padlocked it because his rent was three months in arrears, Smith said. Renison pleaded with the owners not to confiscate his goods, but when he hadn’t paid his back rent by Dec. 19, they auctioned off his property, police said.


In addition to the dynamite, investigators found two boxes of military-issue, anti-personnel booby traps and chemicals to make about 60 pounds of methamphetamine, Smith said.

Renison is being held in the city jail. Knapp was booked into county jail. Bail was set at $500,000 each.
