
Practice SAT Exam Offered to Students


Students who get the jitters thinking about math equations and reading problems are invited to prepare for the Scholastic Assessment Tests in a Feb. 7 session sponsored by the Westlake High School Parent Teacher Student Assn.

The PTSA is hosting a fund-raiser and SAT practice test for any student in Ventura County from 9 a.m. to noon at the high school. There is room for about 250 students.

A follow-up session analyzing students’ results will be held on Feb. 19 from 7 to 9 p.m., also at the high school.


This is the fifth year Westlake High’s PTSA has sponsored such an event, which costs $15 a student.

The money raised will pay Kaplan Educational Centers to present the program and support PTSA programs throughout the year, said Ethel Larisey, the association’s president.

The PTSA will hold its monthly meeting Thursday, when members will hear from the school’s English and resource departments.

For more information, call Larisey at 497-6711, Ext. 249 or at 495-4265.
