
Campaign Spoof Wins for Pitch With Appeal

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Advertiser: Foodmaker

Agency: Kowloon Seafood Co., Santa Monica

Challenge: Keep the 4-year-old campaign, centered around the sassy Jack-in-the-Box clown, fresh.

The Ads: The TV spot is a sendup of political advertising, which Californians will be seeing more of in coming months. Jack the family man is shown pushing little Jack on a swing. Jack the environmentalist is shown hugging a tree. Jack the politician kisses a baby, who bursts into tears. As the vignettes appear, a narrator hails Jack as a “man with a plan,” unafraid to take stands on important issues. “Like shakes,” Jack declares, “I’m for them.” Not above negative advertising, Jack bashes his opponent--shown with horns and a devilish goatee--as a “milkshake-hating extremist.” The ad ends with a narrator declaring the spot has been paid for by “citizens for classic milkshake combos.”

Comment: In only 30 seconds, this ad for Foodmaker’s Jack-in-the-Box fast-food restaurants spoofs every cliche of political advertising. Besides having fun, the spot incorporates a pitch for the milkshake combo, with a beauty shot of the hamburger meal. The ad gives fans of the fictitious chief executive something else to talk about, as Jack’s wife makes an appearance for the first time. Jack gets our vote. $$$$



Ads are rated from $ to $$$$, based on tastefulness and probable effectiveness, with $$$$ being highest.
