
Vacant Fire Station to Be Razed for Offices

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A youth and family services center will be built at the site of a long-vacant fire station on Pico Boulevard in the Mid-City district, officials said Wednesday.

The former City Fire Station No. 68, built in 1929 and unused for 11 years, will be demolished late this month or in July, and a $1.4-million community center will be constructed, said Maria Martinez, deputy director of neighborhood development for the city Community Development Department.

Funding for the project came from the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development and from voter-approved bond funds for seismic repairs, Martinez said.


The new building will be used as office space for local nonprofit groups, gang-prevention programs and other family-oriented services.

Several dozen community members, L.A. City Fire Chief William Bamattre, City Councilman Nate Holden and officials from the community development and engineering departments gathered at a news conference at the site Wednesday to announce the razing of the station, which is on Pico between Cochran and Cloverdale avenues.
