
Jets Add to Chiefs’ Misery

From Associated Press

When the New York Jets got the ball on Kansas City’s 43 with 1:50 left in a 17-17 tie, Vinny Testaverde had a man-to-man talk with his teammates.

“This is what great teams do--they finish off tough games on the road and go home with wins,” he said in the huddle.

Then they did exactly that. Testaverde guided his team to the 19 and John Hall kicked a 32-yard field goal as time ran out for a 20-17 victory.


The Jets have won five of six, and at 5-3 share the best record in the AFC East with Buffalo, Miami and New England.

It was the third straight loss for the fading Chiefs, who are 4-4 for the first time since 1992 and losers of back-to-back home games for the first time since Marty Schottenheimer became coach in 1989.

“We have been on the winning side and clearly it’s a lot easier to cope with winning,” Schottenheimer said.

The Chiefs are 0-3 since the return of quarterback Elvis Grbac, who threw three interceptions, including one that Dwayne Gordon returned 31 yards for a touchdown, and was booed mercilessly.

“In my opinion--and I’m closer to it than most people--he is the guy who gives us the best chance to win,” Schottenheimer said.

For a brief moment with less than 7:30 left, the Chiefs thought they’d taken a 23-17 lead. Pete Stoyanovich faked what would have been a 47-yard field goal and punted, and Kansas City’s Ty Parten batted the ball back from the edge of the goal line. New York’s Corwin Brown tried to pick it up and failed, then holder-punter Louie Aguiar scooped up the ball and stepped into the end zone.


One official signaled touchdown, but then officials huddled and said the kicking team cannot take possession after touching the ball unless the receiving team had actually taken possession and then fumbled.
