
Everyone’s a Winner

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The hoopla is over, the signs are coming down and the votes are in for the contest for Simi Valley City Council. It’s never easy to lose an election, particularly when the final result is so close. But that’s the risk that everyone takes who enters the political arena.

I’d like to publicly thank all the people who worked on my campaign, who volunteered long hours and contributed money toward the effort, and who believed in what I was trying to accomplish.

The past eight years on the City Council have been very rewarding for me but also very consuming. That’s why I kept telling people ahead of time that I’d win no matter what happened: Either I’d win the election, or I’d get my personal life back.


I also feel the same as our outgoing mayor, Greg Stratton. If you’re going to leave the City Council, this is not a bad time to do so. While new challenges always lie ahead, our city is in pretty good shape right now. The police station that I’ve pushed for six years is finally built. Our city finances are under control. The wave of crime and gangs and graffiti from Los Angeles that was threatening to engulf us when I was first elected eight years ago has been turned away. We survived an earthquake, and our economy is now prospering.

All in all, Simi Valley has a lot to be proud of.

One other thing that Simi Valley can be proud of is that we pretty much avoided the dirt-throwing and smear campaigns that are all too common in other cities.

Simi Valley is my home, and I’ll still be around. Once again, my thanks to everyone.


Simi Valley
