
$1 Million Approved for Community Projects

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A $5-million dollar trust fund set up by the city after the Lopez Canyon Landfill closed in 1991 is almost depleted after the City Council approved nearly $1 million for projects and groups that surround the shuttered dump.

Over the years, the fund has contributed money to renovate a youth center in Pacoima and build a new Fire Department helicopter pad in Lake View Terrace, among other things. One million dollars has been earmarked for the proposed Hansen Dam Library and Environmental Awareness Center.

The council OKd the distribution of $980,000 last week. Included was $50,000 for the Books and Computers for Kids Trust Fund and $80,000 for security lighting in Kagel Canyon Park. The Pacoima Senior Center, Valley Fair education programs and a new Neighborhood Watch Trust Fund for the area near the landfill each received $100,000.


A new computer center at the Boys & Girls Club will be built with $225,000, and $300,000 will be set aside as a loan to help build the Sylmar Library.

“It’s to get them to catch up with the Sun Valley and the Pacoima libraries,” said Councilman Richard Alarcon, who sponsored the allocations. “We wanted to jump-start that project.”

Alarcon, who celebrated his final council session last week, said the money, when repaid, will buy books and computers for schools.
