
$7 Million in U.S. Grants to Aid Police, Fire Units


Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan announced Wednesday that the city will receive $7.5 million in federal grants to pay for equipment and new programs for police officers and firefighters.

The announcement was made days after the city snagged a much larger federal grant totaling about $150 million, enough to hire as many as 710 new police officers. The grants represent the most recent in a series of federal grant awards that have bolstered the city’s public safety departments.

The largest of the grants announced Wednesday will pay for computer equipment for police officers. The money will allow the police department to complete an effort to equip patrol cars with laptop computers.


“This will allow officers to take reports in the field, then take them back to the station and download them,” said Michael Thompson, director of criminal justice planning for Riordan. “It will save time.”

A smaller portion of the grants will be used to purchase equipment for burgeoning programs to defend against terrorist attacks, including those involving nuclear, biological or chemical weapons.

Some funds will also be used to combat domestic violence by developing new ways for police to handle stalkers in an effort to prevent serious crimes, Thompson said.
