
La Palma Council Candidates


Here are the four candidates running for two seats on the La Palma City Council on Nov. 3:

Lauree E. Aragona

Age: 52

Occupation: Retired quality and risk manager in health care industry

Background: Member, blue-ribbon finance committee that studied effects of Proposition 218 (requiring voter approval for new taxes); board member, Kennedy High School scholarship foundation; past Girl Scout leader

Issues: Improve La Palma’s image by doing more to maintain streets and infrastructure; keep police and fire services a high priority in budget; continue expanding city services for seniors and youths


Kenneth A. Blake

Age: 51

Occupation: Controller for construction equipment rental company

Background: Incumbent, four years, with one year as mayor; board member, Orange County Fire Authority; member, county Library Advisory Board; president, La Palma Kiwanis Club


Issues: Maintain police and fire protection; attract more business to city to help

maintain city services; continue city’s beautification efforts


Sharon Gutjahr

Age: 52

Occupation: Secretary, Kennedy High School

Background: President, Parent Preschool Co-op; president, La Palma Junior Women’s Club; vice president, Miller Elementary School PTA; La Palma Citizen of the Year

Issues: Maintain police and fire services; improve code enforcement to keep property values high; continue to expand youth programs


Garrett Scott Wada

Age: 34

Occupation: Eye doctor

Background: Bachelor’s and doctorate in optometry, Illinois College of Optometry; president, Optimist Club, Buena Park chapter

Issues: Maintain level of police services; wants school district to redraw lines or offer school choice so parents don’t have to send kids farther away; wants better code enforcement on dilapidated houses

Source: Individual candidates

Los Angeles Times
