
Governor’s Race

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Re “Lungren, Davis Still Marching to Different Drummers,” Sept. 7: Perhaps if your reporter were more interested in investigative journalism, instead of partisan promotion, she would not have painted Dan Lungren as an ideologue and Gray Davis as a political will-o’-the-wisp. Since Lungren has become attorney general, there has been a string of reports of his giving sweetheart settlements to political supporters (often over the heads of his own deputies) and refusing to enforce laws that might hurt his political future. Your article belonged on the editorial page.



* Davis is urban, Lungren is suburban. Lungren catches movies at the mall, Davis calls up a movie producer to arrange a private screening. Lungren hangs out with friends outside of politics, Davis’ friends are his contributors and political aides.

I might vote for Davis as my bookkeeper but if it’s about deciding public policy and leading the state I would prefer someone with political experience and a personality. A lifetime of being in public office isn’t a substitute for real-life experience as a taxpaying, hard-working Californian.


Being governor is not something one is “raised” to be. The last time Californians elected someone from the political class, it was Jerry Brown. Maybe Jerry was more of a role model than Davis wants to admit.



* Lungren’s claim that he will be a governor the people can trust has a hollow ring to it. How can we trust a man who used the full force of the attorney general’s office for the past two years opposing the people’s will about medical marijuana? Lungren brags about an egotistical inability to compromise under any circumstance, as though it is a virtue. Such an attitude will mean big trouble for California if Lungren is elected, because the governor’s office will be constantly embroiled in Lungren’s personal political battles instead of taking care of important state business.


Mill Valley, Calif.
