
Reporting Practices


Re “Teen’s Death Baffles Family, Friends,” Aug. 9.

I just want to thank Times Ventura County Edition reporter Margaret Talev for her excellent and tasteful coverage of the accidental drowning of Maren Hale. The grieving family needed and appreciated the tactful way this was reported, also the compassion the reporter showed while talking with them.

The Times has been my only paper for local news for many years because you cover the news truthfully and as factually as possible.

Thank you, and continue giving Ventura County the kind of newspaper it can be proud of.




Re “L.A. Police Officer’s Son Arrested in Shooting,” Aug. 12.

I am outraged over this article. Isn’t the story about the fight and subsequent shooting between two men? I cannot believe that you consider the father, who was not at home and had nothing to do with the incident, part of the story. It certainly should not be the headline.


I think it is inexcusable to print his name and specific home address. How many people do you think he has arrested in his career who would love to do harm to him or his family--violent people that he has arrested to protect you? You have a certain amount of responsibility to the people in public service whether you agree with the police or not.

What you are doing is not journalism, it is sensationalism and I think it is pathetic. Your reporters and the approving editors should go work for the Enquirer if they are going to print garbage like this.


Ventura County
