
Book Review : Handbook Shows the Way to Make a Smooth Move : “Steiners Complete How to Move Handbook, Second Edition” by Clyde and Shari Steiner (Independent Information Publications, San Francisco), 1999, $14.95, 243 pages.


If you’re thinking about moving, first read Clyde and Shari Steiner’s newest book. It will either discourage or enthuse you for the adventure ahead.

In easy-to-understand terms, this book explains what to expect when moving across town--or across the nation. But this is not just a “how to hire a moving company” book (although the authors rate the major moving companies). The book addresses the family considerations, especially for children, as well as how to sell a home, how to obtain a mortgage on a new home and how to rent.

The book’s theme is taking control. Whether you’re moving for a better location, because of a new job or because you’re retiring, the Steiners explain how to evaluate the situation and make the move as enjoyable as possible.


If the book has a fault, it is the detailed references, which almost become too complete. But that’s good. Just skip the parts you don’t need.

Although some of the book’s hundreds of resources need updating, it’s still an extremely valuable information source for residential movers. More important, the authors share their advice based on more than 20 moves. If you plan to move, you won’t find a better book than this one. On my scale of one to 10, it rates a solid 10.
