
Help From UC


Kevin Starr’s “L.A. Universities Can Help Heal the City” (Opinion, Nov. 21) was right on point. Since 1996, the Latino Legislative Caucus has held annual retreats at University of California campuses to discuss research, forecasts and the latest thinking in key policy areas. Some of the issues we have focused on include economic trends and forecasts, developing a master plan for California’s children, health care and the working poor, early childhood development and literacy. The insights gained in these lectures, round tables and briefings prepare Latino caucus members to better scrutinize legislation with a broader understanding of the issues.

Our system of higher education is an underutilized resource for bridging gaps in our civic culture. I am proud of the partnership the Latino caucus has established with the University of California. The UC system can and should play and even larger role in the future.


State Senate Majority Leader

Chair, Latino Legislative Caucus

D-Los Angeles
