
Keeping Judaism Young


Students at the Hebrew Academy in Huntington Beach come from all walks of Judaism. Some are raised in Orthodox homes with strict rituals of prayer and keeping kosher. Others are unaffiliated secular Jewish people who merely exchange presents on Hanukkah and have scant knowledge of their religion.

The background of the children doesn’t matter to Rabbi Itzhak Newman, dean of the school, who wants to introduce as many young Jewish minds and hearts as possible to Jewish life.

“Our mission is to transmit the values of Judaism to the next generation so that they are knowledgeable about their identity, feel proud to be a Jew and affiliate with Jews around the world,” Newman said.


The Hebrew Academy, operated under the auspices of the orthodox Chabad organization, is one of three Jewish day schools in Orange County--along with Morasha and Tarbut V’Torah. It won a prestigious Blue Ribbon award in 1997 from the U.S. Department of Education for its elementary school program.

Tradition reigns for the 400 academy students--who range from preschool to high school--on the 11-acre campus. For 31 years, the school has instilled the values of Judaism: 40% of the curriculum is traditional Jewish study.

The children are surrounded with Judaism, from intensive Hebrew language classes to mezuzahs--an ornament that contains a tiny scroll with a Hebrew prayer--hanging in classroom doorways. The boys wear yarmulkes during vigorous arm-wrestling matches and while chasing each other on the football field. Girls don the modest school uniform of long skirts, socks and long-sleeved sweaters.

The school sponsors events in which children can make a shofar, press olive oil, build a Sukkot and make matzo under a rabbi’s supervision. This week, the children learned about Hanukkah and lit a giant menorah.

“As long as we have a strong young generation growing up, there will be growth and vitality in the Jewish community,” Newman said. “It’s only through the young people that we will continue as a people.”
