
It Doesn’t Look Like a Lock That NBA Is Welcomed Back


Oh no! Just when I thought the NBA season was doomed, I find out that I will have to suffer through another winter and spring of incessant drivel from sportscasters about what used to be basketball but is now a game that allows too much traveling, no defense, an absurd amount of physical contact, so many games (at least there will be only 50 this year) that each one becomes essentially irrelevant, all performed in a players’ league where the coaches are basically baby-sitters.

I’ll take March Madness any day.

SCOTT D. ALLEN, Santa Monica


For months the sheep (read: NBA fans) have been placidly grazing in the high meadows. Now the kind shepherds (read: owners and players) have decided it’s time to round them up and bring them in for fleecing.

Well, this is one sheep who is heading for the hills. Bill Plaschke is right: If more of us had self-respect and refused to be led by the nose, we might actually get some respect from purveyors of professional sports. Baaaaa.




How about the fans staging a 428-game lockout and then requiring the players to pay us $40 every time we sit in one of their lousy seats?

MICHAEL A. GLUECK, Newport Beach
