
Rep. Cox Voices New Opposition to Airport


In his strongest denunciation of county plans for the El Toro Marine base, Rep. Chris Cox (R-Newport Beach) blasted officials Wednesday for disregarding south county residents who oppose an international airport at the site.

Cox, the fifth-ranking Republican in House leadership, pledged to work with colleagues on the House and Senate armed services committees to assure that south county communities are given more of a voice before the Department of the Navy makes its final decision next year on the base’s disposal.

“I haven’t exhausted all of the possibilities in Washington,” he said.

Federal law requires that affected communities be included in decisions involving closed bases, Cox said. The county Board of Supervisors, which has authority over El Toro’s reuse, supports the new airport by a 3-2 majority. The two south county supervisors oppose it.


“The Clinton administration and the county have stood the base closure law on its head,” Cox said. “I’m profoundly disappointed that the county continues to give the back of its hand to the affected communities.”

Cox said he continues to advocate that El Toro be sold to the highest bidder, with the proceeds used to offset an estimated $1 billion cost for the relocation of troops from the El Toro and Tustin Marine bases, which closed last week.

Orange County officials want the base deeded as a public airport. The international facility would handle as many as 28.8 million passengers annually by 2020. Supervisors are expected to vote on final environmental approvals in December.
