
Help for At-Risk Youth


* The shooting tragedies across the country and the recent arrests of students from schools in Ventura County underscore the importance of identifying children “at risk” in the classroom. For almost four years, Masons in our lodge and the state have been financially supporting the work of our California Masonic Foundation and its Masonic Student Assistance Program.

Completely funded by the foundation and at no cost to school districts, we bring teachers, administrators and school support staff together for three-day workshops at a special campus-like facility on the grounds of the Masonic Home in Covina for intensive study on the at-risk problem. So far, we have trained more than 4,500 educators. Topics covered include depression and suicide, communications skills, dynamics of families in pain and effective action planning by the school.

This nationally acclaimed program has also been implemented by the Masonic fraternity throughout the United States and in Canada.



Port Hueneme
