
Bash to Celebrate All Things Monroe


Bare those necks. Dust off those stock portfolios.

For $20,000, you can own a replica of the string of Mikimoto pearls Joe DiMaggio gave Marilyn Monroe during their Tokyo honeymoon 45 years ago.

Reclaimed by Mikimoto for upward of $100,000 from the estate of the late Susan Strasberg--daughter of Lee Strasberg, Monroe’s drama coach--the screen legend’s real love beads will be on display at South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa beginning June 24.

“Mikimoto learned the honeymoon necklace would be going up for auction [in October at Christie’s of New York] and decided it was a rare opportunity to recover it and build a limited collection around it,” said Bill Thomas, director of the Mikimoto boutique at South Coast Plaza.


Even Monroe’s beauty was enhanced by pearls, Thomas said. “Pearls create a glow--add femininity and loveliness--to a woman’s face.”

The pearl choker--one of the star’s few authentic pieces of jewelry--will be part of an exhibit of ‘Monroe-abilia,’ which will be previewed at a benefit for the UCI Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center at Jewel Court on June 23.

Ten percent of necklace sale proceeds from the private party and the public exhibit (June 24-27) will be used by the center for research.

Also on view at the champagne-and-caviar bash underwritten by Mikimoto: models sporting costumes--some original, some reproductions--worn by Monroe in “Bus Stop,” (the green lace top and black satin skirt); “The Misfits” (the famous Cherries Jubilee dress); and “The Seven Year Itch” (polka dot halter dress).

(Tidbit: the green lace top and black skirt were also worn by Madonna in the film “Truth or Dare.”)

Mikimoto is recreating Monroe’s classic scene from “The Seven Year Itch”--where a whoosh of air from a sidewalk grate hiked her dress above her thighs--for the preview party.


Female partygoers had better watch their skirts, Thomas joked. “Guests won’t know where or when [a blast of air] will happen.”

Other party features: a lighted two-story ‘M’ at the center of Jewel Court--”standing for ‘Marilyn’ and ‘Mikimoto,’ ” Thomas said--and seating for guests in directors’ chairs emblazoned with the names of Monroe’s co-stars.

A similar benefit was staged recently by Mikimoto at their boutique on 5th Avenue in New York. The popular pearl purveyor also plans to exhibit the necklace in Paris and Moscow this fall.

“We’re very excited about the party--this is a tremendous opportunity for us to get the word out about our cancer center,” said Joan Rubio, director of development for the Chao center. “We are the only comprehensive cancer center in Orange County. That means we have a program of education, research and treatment sanctioned by the National Cancer Institute.”

On the guest list (4,500 invitations have gone out): members of the Chao family--who have donated more than $500,000 to the center--including Phyllis Shaw, Allen Chao, Richard Chao and Agnes Kung, along with other center donors and volunteers.

Also receiving invitations: Select UCI alumni and members of UCI’s foundation board and Executive Round Table, Rubio said.


“This is the first time we’ve done a party in association with UCI,” Thomas said. “It’s a new group for us and we’re happy to do it.”
