
Stories on the Rocky Road to Wedded Bliss


For brides-to-be who think they have it bad, “Awfully Wedded” (St. Martin’s Press) will put even the most stressful nuptials in a new light. The book is an amusing compilation of some of the most pathetic, heartbreaking and embarrassing wedding stories ever.

Meet Sal, a finicky guest who passed on the pasta salad at a wedding reception, narrowly missing food poisoning that sickened more than 75% of the guests.

And Marianne, who planned her second wedding on a dock near a lake in Maine, with a small number of guests including her beagle, Molly. Before the ceremony began, Molly rather unceremoniously relieved herself on the dock. It wasn’t exactly the kind of attention Marianne was looking for.


Every aspect of wedding culture is fair game in the book, with fashion, celebrity ceremonies and scene-stealing TV and movie weddings all offered up for skewering. Revisit the weddings of Di and Charles and Luke and Laura, and find out the grand total of Elizabeth Taylor’s bridesmaids.

“Awfully Wedded” was written by Elissa Stein and Daniel Mailliard, authors of “Tales From the Prom” (St. Martin’s Press). Stein is also coauthor of the classic tome “Chunks: A Barfology” (St. Martin’s).
