
Rob Reiner to Head Commission; Fish and Game Chief Nominated

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Gov. Gray Davis continued filling major positions Wednesday with the appointment of actor-director Rob Reiner to a new commission to help preschoolers, and the selection of a veteran bureaucrat to head the state Department of Fish and Game.

Reiner will serve without salary as chairman of the nine-member state Children and Families First Commission, which is charged with overseeing locally operated health and education programs aimed at preschoolers and their parents.

The commission and largely independent county commissions were created in November when voters narrowly approved Proposition 10.


The centerpiece of the initiative--led by Reiner--was a 50-cent-per-pack tax increase on cigarettes that took effect Jan. 1. Similar higher taxes will be imposed on cigars and other tobacco products July 1.

In its first full year, the taxes are expected to raise about $690 million for early childhood development programs.

“For the first time in this state’s history, California now has a real opportunity to ensure that our youngest citizens will get a healthy start in life and enter school ready to learn,” Reiner said.


Davis also announced Robert C. Hight, 53, as his choice for director of the Department of Fish and Game. Hight led the state’s negotiations in the just completed $492-million purchase of the Headwaters redwood forest in Humboldt County.

Hight, a career government employee, has been executive officer of the State Lands Commission for the last six years.

The selection of Hight, who will be paid $105,883 a year and must be confirmed by the Senate, was praised by the nonpartisan California League of Conservation Voters.
