
NATO Bombing

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Thank goodness for President Clinton, for backing up the confrontation with Yugoslavian President Slobodan Milosevic, who believes in “cleansing” Kosovo. Milosevic is a murderer; he is an amoral person.

How can anyone not back up President Clinton? Who has forgotten World War II, when Hitler wanted to cleanse Europe of any and all persons he deemed not of the Aryan race? Can’t these people see the sameness of Hitler and Milosevic? For goodness sake, help these poor endangered people from this madman!


Los Angeles


World War I happened when the great powers intervened in Serbia to support one side or the other. Perhaps Yugoslavia should be several countries instead of one, but that’s something for the Serbians, Albanians and Bosnians to work out for themselves. The United States became united and strong as a result of our own Civil War. What business do we have trying to stop the Yugoslavs’ civil war?


I don’t think the American people want to go to war with Russia over Kosovo, but that’s where Clinton’s policy is headed. America has no moral standing in a conflict where the only thing we have to offer is bombs. If bombs are the answer, we’re not asking the right questions.


Los Angeles


Serbia’s Milosevic is a thug and is no different than Hitler was or Saddam is. He has shown by his past cat-and-mouse tactics a total disregard for human rights, common good and international agreements. And now the quasi-pacifists have come out of the woodwork, giving “nationalism,” “bad boy Clinton” and “too far away” as reasons to not bomb the Serbs. It’s one world now, folks, and what happens there, happens here.


Nevada City


Michael Ramirez’s March 24 cartoon is poor. He should read Winston Churchill’s first speech to Parliament at the beginning of World War II. The exit strategy then for Britain and later for the U.S. was simple: Win.


We won. Do not enter into a war except to win. That is the exit strategy, Mr. Ramirez. Also, do not tell your enemy what your strategy is, except to win.


Santa Maria


Once again, “for the children” our president decides to place our military in harm’s way. We simply have no business bombing the Serbs; it is a thousand-year-old problem that we cannot fix. It is also Europe’s problem, not ours. If NATO wishes to tackle it, we should limit our support to providing equipment. Moreover, with Serbia’s Russian allies and weapons, we will most certainly take casualties and run the risk of escalating the conflict into a full-blown war in Europe.

As terrible as this crisis is on the local level, World War III would be a global disaster. Millions and millions of lives lost. You parents of young men ought consider the implications; the law still requires our sons to register for the draft. And in this land of “equal opportunity,” you might start being concerned about your daughters as well.



