
Man With 54 Collies Must Give Up 51

From Associated Press

Chauncey Wilson loves his collies--all 54 of them.

But neighbors fed up with the constant barking and smell of dog waste complained that Wilson has been violating a Richmond city law that allows no more than three dogs per home. A group of animal rights activists also claims that the dogs have been neglected.

So Contra Costa Superior Court Judge David Dolgin has ordered Wilson to curtail his canine clan. He must get rid of all but three of the dogs by Oct. 2 or face a $5,000 fine and a contempt of court charge.

Wilson, a high school teacher in Oakland, said he spends $60 a day on food for the dogs. The canines sleep on towels and mats spread out among five rooms of his 10-room house.


Wilson said he would abide by Friday’s ruling but argued that he is the victim of a collie conspiracy.

“I love the dogs, sir, and they love me,” Wilson told a reporter. “That barking people hear--that’s the dogs going into an orgy of, ‘We’re so glad you’re home, Daddy.’ ”
